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Host An Album Release Party

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Whether new to the music industry or a veteran, an album release party could help promote your talents! Why not endorse your new album or single with an Album Release Party???? There are several different ways to throw this soirée: you can have an intimate setting with your close family & friends in your backyard. Throw some food on the grill and serve some drinks while your music entertains your guests! Or you can rent out a venue (maybe a hall, restaurant, or lounge) and open the doors to the public. Of course, you must publicize and market to have a nice crowd attend. If your budget is tight, ask another local artist to accompany you. Set a date, create marketing materials, buy radio airtime to promote, and have your cd pressed and ready to sell for your new fans! To attract more people, have a promotion related to your album or single name. (Your single’s title is “My Man,” all ladies get free admittance with “Your Man” on your side) Of course, before ending the party, be prepared for a live closing performance!

Also, invest in a photographer to capture every moment of the party. This way, you can use the pictures for your press kit or website later! Another great idea is to set up a survey table or have survey cards on the tables. Ensure the party's DJ or host encourages everyone to give feedback about what they heard.

Need some help finding the perfect spot or getting started? Call us! (256-203-6782) Or visit us online

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